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en:docuteam:oais [2019/06/07 09:19] andien:docuteam:oais [2023/02/06 15:24] (aktuell) – gelöscht Administrator
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-===== OAIS Implementation ===== 
-The following illustration/graphic shows an overview of the tools we use to implement a modularised OAIS-Model (Open Archival Information System, ISO 14721). 
-{{:oais:docuteam_architektur-oais_20150323.pdf|Download PDF}} 
-===== Datamodel METS Matterhorn Profile ===== 
-The data- and metadata model, which docuteam uses to create and describe information packages, is based on widespread, established and publicly accessible standards: 
-  * [[|METS Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard]] as a container format 
-  * [[|PREMIS Data Dictionary 2.1]] for technical and administrative metadata. We currently use the entities «object» and «event». To display user rights within the archive in our next version we plan to use the entity «rights».  
-  * [[|Simple Dublin Core]] for descriptive metadata 
-  * for more complex structured metadata [[|Encoded Archival Description (EAD).]]  
-Together with the state archive(s) of the canton Wallis we described our own SIP format as a [[|METS-Profils]]. 
-  * [[|SIP Profile as XML-file]]. 
-  * {{:oais:spezifikation_matterhorn-mets_20160830_wi.pdf}} Specification of Matterhorn METS (as of 3.8.2016)) 
-  * {{|Beispielpaket 1:}} Simple package with one text file 
-  * {{|Beispielpaket 2:}} Package with several photographs 
-  * [[docuteam:packer_240_config#abbildung_der_beschreibenden_metadaten_als_encoded_archival_description_ead|Detailed list of currently supported EAD attributes/fields]] 
-Docuteam feeder can also handle digital SIPs with an eCH-0160 format. The crosswalk between eCH- 
-0160 and Matterhorn METS was specified within the scope of eCH-Whitepapers and a detailed Data 
-Dicitionary. These documents can be found [[|here.]] eCH is an acceptable delivery format for GEVER- 
-Systems. It is not, however, a format for long term preservation, since its representation of the OAIS-Modell is incomplete. \\ 
-===== Software for archivists by archivists ===== 
-Our software is licenced under the open source licence GPLv3. [[|GPLv3]]. As a company, docuteam wants to learn with each project. When we design a digital archive, we will integrate existing code into the new project. Our customer will only pay for additional functionalities needed for his project without paying any licence fees. If possible, we execute development projects for several companies 
-simultaneously to split the costs. We believe in this innovation model: project costs are kept at a minimum, development cycles are expedited and it allow us to bring our know-how and expertise as archivists to these projects. We see ourselves primarily as professional partners of archival institutions and not as mere software distributors. 
-The third-party- tools we provide are also licensed under an open source license. However, it is possible (and often customary) to integrate commercial components, for instance for certain file conversions. Open Source does not mean having to forego maintenance, support and troubleshooting. We usually make maintenance and support contracts to ensure that responsibilities and contact partners are clearly regulated. 
-====== Documentation ====== 
-===== Creation, display and editing of information packages ===== 
-[[docuteam:packer|docuteam packer (creation, display, edititng of SIP)]] 
-===== Ingest-Workflow ===== 
-[[docuteam:feeder|docuteam feeder ((automation and management of the ingest workflow))]] 
-===== Repository: Fedora Commons ===== 
-In principle, our ingest workflow can be configurated to deliver information packages to any desired repository software. In our projects, we usually work with [[|Fedora Commons]]. This 
-software, analogous to our other components, is also licensed under an open source license. For the installation, configuration and use of Fedora we refer to the corresponding chapters in the[[|original documentation:]] 
-  * [[|Getting Started with Fedora]] 
-  * [[|Installation and Configuration]] 
-  * [[|USer manuals]] 
-  * [[|docuteamOAIS]] 
-===== End of Life ===== 
-Following end-of- life applications are no longer supported: 
-  * [[docuteam:sip-creator|SIP-Creator (webbasierte Erstellung von SIP)]] 
-  * [[docuteam:sa-editor|Editor für Ablieferungsvereinbarungen]] 
en/docuteam/oais.1559891997.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2019/06/07 09:19 von andi

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