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en:docuteam:packer_500_config [2018/11/01 12:12] – [Explanations] penelopeen:docuteam:packer_500_config [2023/02/06 15:24] (aktuell) – gelöscht Administrator
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-====== docuteam packer starten und konfigurieren ====== 
-docuteam packer is delivered in specific packages for the various operating systems, but can also be launched using the command line:  
-<code>cd docuteam\Contents\docuteam packer; java -jar DocuteamPacker.jar</code> 
-Following optional parameters are supported: 
-  *  configDir <arg>   (optional): Verzeichnis mit den Konfigurationsdateien (default: ./config) 
-  *  help              (optional): Anzeige der Hilfe 
-  *  open <arg>        (optional): Das angegebene SIP wird direkt nach dem Start geöffnet 
-===== configuration files ===== 
-docuteam packer can also be configurated manually using the following configuration files: 
-  * config/ 
-  * config/levels.xml 
-  * config/ 
-  * config/ 
-In the following examples, \\ 
-the  file [[docuteam:packer_500_config#beispiel1|]] shows the configuration of the functionality, standard folders and the visual appearance of packer.\\  
-the file [[docuteam:packer_500_config#config_levelsxml|levels.xml]] shows the configuration of the units of description, their hierarchical logic as well as their icons and metadata.\\ 
-the file [[docuteam:packer_500_config#beispiel1|]] shows the standardization process for file names.\\ 
-the file [[docuteam:packer_500_config#beispiel1|]] shows a conversion table containing special characters, which are used for the automated standardization of file names.\\ 
-===== config/ ===== 
-==== Example ==== 
-#  docuteam packer properties  # 
-# Display language (if undefined or empty, use the OS language): 
-docuteamPacker.displayLanguage = de 
-# The default data directory, used for "Insert" and "New" (if undefined or empty, use user home): 
-# NOTE: Environment variables can be referenced by embedding them between "${" and "}", e.g. "${HOMEPATH}/Desktop" 
-docuteamPacker.dataDir.Win = C:/docuteam/Beispieldaten 
-# docuteamPacker.dataDir.OSX =  
-# docuteamPacker.dataDir.Linux =  
-# The default SIP directory, used for "Save as", "Open", and "New" (if undefined or empty, use user home): 
-# NOTE: Environment variables can be referenced by embedding them between "${" and "}", e.g. "${HOMEPATH}/Desktop" 
-docuteamPacker.SIPDir.Win = C:/docuteam/workbench_de/0_preparation 
-# docuteamPacker.SIPDir.OSX =  
-# docuteamPacker.SIPDir.Linux =  
-# The backup directory, used when saving SIPs (if undefined or empty, use SIPDir): 
-# NOTE: Environment variables can be referenced by embedding them between "${" and "}", e.g. "${HOMEPATH}/Desktop" 
-# docuteamPacker.backupDir.Win =  
-# docuteamPacker.backupDir.OSX =  
-# docuteamPacker.backupDir.Linux =  
-# The directory the templates are stored in and retrieved from (if undefined or empty, use SIPDir): 
-# NOTE: Environment variables can be referenced by embedding them between "${" and "}", e.g. "${HOMEPATH}/Desktop" 
-# docuteamPacker.templateDir.Win =  
-# docuteamPacker.templateDir.OSX =  
-# docuteamPacker.templateDir.Linux =  
-# The directory the export templates (xsl) are stored in and retrieved from (if undefined or empty, use "./resources/templates/exports"): 
-# NOTE: Environment variables can be referenced by embedding them between "${" and "}", e.g. "${HOMEPATH}/Desktop" 
-# docuteamPacker.exportsDir.Win =  
-# docuteamPacker.exportsDir.OSX =  
-# docuteamPacker.exportsDir.Linux =  
-# The directory the report templates (xsl) are stored in and retrieved from (if undefined or empty, use "./resources/templates/reports"): 
-# NOTE: Environment variables can be referenced by embedding them between "${" and "}", e.g. "${HOMEPATH}/Desktop" 
-# docuteamPacker.reportsDir.Win =  
-# docuteamPacker.reportsDir.OSX =  
-# docuteamPacker.reportsDir.Linux =  
-# The temp-folder for temporary files can be set here (if undefined or empty, use the folder "DocuteamPacker" in the java temp dir (System.getProperty(""))): 
-# NOTE: Environment variables can be referenced by embedding them between "${" and "}", e.g. "${HOMEPATH}/Desktop" 
-# docuteamPacker.tempDir.Win =  
-# docuteamPacker.tempDir.OSX =  
-# docuteamPacker.tempDir.Linux =  
-# For the submission process: The class name of the AIPCreator (if undefined or empty, don't use): 
-docuteamPacker.AIPCreator.className = ch.docuteam.darc.ingest.AIPCreatorBasic 
-# For the submission process: The directory where to copy the submitted SIPs to (= ingest drop folder) (if undefined or empty, don't use): 
-# NOTE: Environment variables can be referenced by embedding them between "${" and "}", e.g. "${HOMEPATH}/Desktop" 
-AIPCreator.ingestSubmitDir.Win = C:/docuteam/workbench_de/1_inbox 
-# AIPCreator.ingestSubmitDir.OSX =  
-# AIPCreator.ingestSubmitDir.Linux =  
-# When true (case doesn't matter), the source files for a new SIP are deleted after the SIP creation; defaults to "false" 
-# docuteamPacker.newSIPDeleteSourcesByDefault = false 
-# When true (case doesn't matter), the default format of a new SIP is a zipped archive; otherwise it is a folder (undefined = true): 
-# docuteamPacker.newSIPDefaultsToZipped = false 
-# When true (case doesn't matter), the default migration action will be set to keep the original file together with the selected migrated file; otherwise it will replace the original file (undefined = true): 
-# docuteamPacker.migrateFileKeepOriginal = false 
-# When true (case doesn't matter), create a backup on every save; otherwise not (undefined = true): 
-docuteamPacker.versioning = false 
-# When docuteamPacker.versioning = true, set here the max. number of backups. Exeeding backups will be deleted (if undefined or empty, use default = 10) 
-# docuteamPacker.versioning.keepBackupsCount = 20 
-# When true (case doesn't matter), the docuteam packer screen opens in full screen mode; otherwise use screen size and position as specified below (default = false): 
-# docuteamPacker.openFullScreen = true 
-# When openFullScreen is not true, these values denote the docuteam packer screen size on startup (if undefined, take 1000 x 700): 
-# docuteamPacker.screenSize.x = 1200 
-# docuteamPacker.screenSize.y = 1000 
-# When openFullScreen is not true, these values denote the docuteam packer screen position on startup (if undefined, center on screen): 
-# docuteamPacker.screenPos.x = 100 
-# docuteamPacker.screenPos.y = 100 
-# When true (case doesn't matter), use system look-and-feel; otherwise use cross-platform = "Metal" (undefined = true): 
-# docuteamPacker.useSystemLookAndFeel = false 
-# Set the default digest algorithm to calculate file checksums (valid values: CRC-32, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512) 
-# docuteamPacker.defaultChecksumAlgorithm = MD5 
-# When true, retrieve the current SAs from the server (from URL below) on startup; otherwise don't (undefined = false): 
-# docuteamPacker.SA.getSAsFromServerOnStartup = true 
-# The URL of the SA editor application (webjaxe): 
-# docuteamPacker.SA.BASE.URL =  
-# The complete file path to the OOO application ("" or " 3") (if undefined or empty, use the internal OOO application; 
-# if undefined or empty AND the internal OOO application doesn't exist, assume that no OOO application shall be used): 
-# docuteamPacker.OOConverter.path.Win = C:\Program Files\ 3 
-# docuteamPacker.OOConverter.path.OSX = /Applications/ 
-# docuteamPacker.OOConverter.path.Linux =  
-# The number of initialization retries for the OOConverter (if empty, undefined, negative, or 0, use the default number, which is 10): 
-# docuteamPacker.OOConverter.initializationRetries = 30 
-# The number of files to cache for the file preview (if undefined or empty, use the default cache size, which is 100): 
-# docuteamPacker.filePreviewer.cacheSizeLimit = 10 
-# When true, the SystemOutView opens when output occurs; otherwise not (undefined = true): 
-# docuteamPacker.openSystemOutViewOnOutput = false 
-# When true, expand all nodes in tree of SIPView (if undefined or empty, use false as default) 
-# docuteamPacker.SIPView.TreeExpandAll = true 
-# When a value between 1 and 3 is given, the appropriate tab in SIPView is automatically set (if undefined or empty, 1 is assumed) 
-# docuteamPacker.SIPView.DefaultTab = 1 
-# For developers (undefined = false): 
-# docuteamPacker.isDevMode = true 
-==== Explanations ==== 
-The values "true", "false" oder "en", are not case sensitive, e.g. "true" is identical with "TRUE", "True" oder even "tRuE" etc.\\ 
-^ Field           ^ Value (example) ^ Explanation   ^ If empty or unidentified ^ 
-^ displayLanguage | en |The language displayed in the user interface. So far there are three translations available (de = german, en = english, fr = french). If another language is set, packer will be displayed in German. | The default language of the computer. If it's neither “de”, “en” or “fr”, packer will be displayed in German. | 
-^ dataDir | C:/Data/RawData |The default folder, from which files and folders can be selected to be added to the SIP. |  The 'home'-folder of the current user | 
-^ SIPDir | C:/Data/SIPs |The default folder for newly generated SIP or when opening or saving an SIP. |  The 'home'-folder of the current user | 
-^ backupDir | C:/Data/Backups |The folder in which backups are saved. |  The folder specified in <SIPDir>. | 
-^ templateDir | C:/Data/Templates |the folder in which templates are saved. |  The folder specified in <SIPDir> | 
-^ exportsDir | C:/Data/Templates/exports |The folder in which templates for exports are saved. |  The folder specified in <SIPDir>. | 
-^ reportsDir | C:/Data/Templates/reports |The folder in which templates for reports are saved. |  The folder specified in <SIPDir>. | 
-^ tempDir         | C:/Data/Temp                 |The folder for temporary files. |  The temporary folder of the system is selected. | 
-^ ingestSubmitDir | C:/Data/Submit                 |The folder to which SIP are submitted. |  Submission is not possible. | 
-^ newSIPDeleteSourceByDefault| true                    |If true, the original files are deleted after the creation of the SIP. |  Like false  | 
-^ AIPCreator.className    | ch.docuteam.aip.AIPCreator |The name of the class, which the AIP generates. |  AIP-creation is not possible.      | 
-^ newSIPDefaultsToZipped    | true |If true, the box "ZIP" is checked by default when creating a new SIP. If false, the box is not checked by default.   | Like true | 
-^ migrateFileKeepOrginial    | true |During migration, the original file is normally replaced by its migrated version. In this case both the original as well as the migrated file are kept.                     | Like true | 
-^ versioning |   true     |If true, an earlier version of the SIP is stored to the folder <backupDir> with each saving process. If false, no backups are created and the original SIP is overwritten. | Like true | 
-^ versioning.keepBackupsCount| 20 |Maximum amount of created backups. If this amount is exceeded, the oldest backups are deleted.    10  | 
-^ openFullScreen |   false |If true, the SIP-editing window fills the entire computer screen. If false, the values <screenSize.x> and <screenSize.y> are apllied instead. |  Like false  | 
-^ screenSize.x\\ screenSize.y | 1200\\ 1000 |The window size of the SIP-View in pixels. These values are ignored, when <openFullScreen> = true | 1000x700 Pixel | 
-^ screenPos.x\\ screenPos.y | 500\\ 500 |The position of the window when opening the SIP-View. These values are ignored, when <openFullScreen> = true |  centred   | 
-^ useSystemLookAndFeel | false |If true, the appearance of packer will be adapted to the operating system of the computer. If false, a generic appearance  ("metal") is selected. | Like false | 
-^ defaultChecksumAlgorithm        | MD5     |Cryptographic hash function to calculate the checksum. Supported values: CRC-32, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512.| | 
-^ droid.signatureFile\\ droid.containerFile\\ droid.extensionUsage        |      |Should DROID use other configuration files than the standard ones, the values need to be indicated here.  | | 
-^ SA.getSAsFromServerOnStartup | true    |If true, packer downloads the current SA List (submission agreements) from the web adress indicated by the <SA.BASE.URL> when opened.  | Like false | 
-^ SA.BASE.URL | <code>http://docuteam/sa</code> |The web adress from which the current SAs can be downloaded manually or automatically when opening packer (if configured)|  Nothing is downloaded. | 
-^ OOConverter.path | C:/apps/LibreOffice5 |The folder containing the LibreOffice application, which is used for the preview of certain files. |  If absent, the preview of certain files is not possible. | 
-^ OOConverter.initializationRetries | 30 |The number of attempts during the initialisation of LibreOffice. Necessary for the preview of certain formats. | 10 | 
-^ filePreviewer.cacheSizeLimit | 20 |Cache size for the preview of files. The larger the cache size, the more previews packer saves to memory. | 100 | 
-^ openSystemOutViewOnOutput | true |If true, in the event of an error, the error window is automatically opened. If false, the error window doesn't open. | Like true | 
-^ SIPView.TreeExpandAll  | true |If true, all elements of the SIP structure are displayed. | Like true | 
-^ SIPView.DefaultTab     | 1       |For a value between 1 and 3, the corresponding tab is opened by default in the SIP-View. | 1       | 
-^ actionsNotVisible      | deleteItemDontAskAction,deleteItemAction  |List of actions (separated by commas), that aren't displayed in the packer-interface. [refers to the names of instance variables of actions within the java class]   | ignored   | 
-^ isDevMode | false |should only be = true during the development of packer | Like false | 
-===== config/levels.xml ===== 
-==== Example ==== 
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
- xmlns:LEVELS="" 
- xmlns:xsi="" 
- xsi:schemaLocation=" levels.xsd"> 
- <LEVELS:MetadataElements> 
- <LEVELS:AllowedValuesSeparator>;</LEVELS:AllowedValuesSeparator> 
-<!-- 1 --> 
- <LEVELS:MetadataElement accessorNameID="refCode"/> 
- <LEVELS:MetadataElement accessorNameID="fromYear" validatorClassName="ch.docuteam.darc.mdconfig.MetadataElementValidatorYear"/> 
- <LEVELS:MetadataElement accessorNameID="toYear" validatorClassName="ch.docuteam.darc.mdconfig.MetadataElementValidatorYear"/> 
- <LEVELS:MetadataElement accessorNameID="extent" validatorClassName="ch.docuteam.darc.mdconfig.MetadataElementValidatorShort"/> 
- <LEVELS:MetadataElement accessorNameID="material" allowedValues=";cm;lfm;Bd(e).;Heft(e);Einheit(en);kB;MB;GB"/> 
-<!-- 2 --> 
- <LEVELS:MetadataElement accessorNameID="archivalHistory"/> 
- <LEVELS:MetadataElement accessorNameID="accessNr"/> 
-<!-- 3 --> 
- <LEVELS:MetadataElement accessorNameID="scopeContent"/> 
- <LEVELS:MetadataElement accessorNameID="appraisalAndDestruction"/> 
- <LEVELS:MetadataElement accessorNameID="arrangement"/> 
-<!-- 4 --> 
- <LEVELS:MetadataElement accessorNameID="accessRestriction"/> 
- <LEVELS:MetadataElement accessorNameID="conditionsOfReproductions"/> 
- <LEVELS:MetadataElement accessorNameID="language" allowedValues="*;Deutsch;English;Français;Italiano"/> 
- <LEVELS:MetadataElement accessorNameID="characteristics"/> 
- <LEVELS:MetadataElement accessorNameID="findingAids"/> 
-<!-- 5 --> 
- <LEVELS:MetadataElement accessorNameID="locationOfOriginals"/> 
- <LEVELS:MetadataElement accessorNameID="reproductions"/> 
- <LEVELS:MetadataElement accessorNameID="relatedMaterial"/> 
- <LEVELS:MetadataElement accessorNameID="bibliography"/> 
-<!-- 6 --> 
- <LEVELS:MetadataElement accessorNameID="comment"/> 
-<!-- 7 --> 
- <LEVELS:MetadataElement accessorNameID="descriptionRules"/> 
- </LEVELS:MetadataElements> 
- <LEVELS:Levels> 
- <!-- NOTE: The 1st element in this list always has to be the "undefined" level! --> 
- <LEVELS:Level nameID="Undefiniert" iconFileName="resources/images/LevelUndefined.png" allowedSublevelNameRefs="Undefiniert Archiv Abteilung Bestand Unterbestand Serie Unterserie Dossier Teildossier Dokument"> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="refCode" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="fromYear" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="toYear" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="extent" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="material" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="archivalHistory" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="accessNr" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="scopeContent" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true" displayRows="3"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="appraisalAndDestruction" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="arrangement" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="accessRestriction" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="conditionsOfReproductions" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="language" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="characteristics" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="findingAids" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="locationOfOriginals" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="reproductions" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="relatedMaterial" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="bibliography" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="comment" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true" displayRows="5"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="descriptionRules" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- </LEVELS:Level> 
- <LEVELS:Level nameID="Archiv" iconFileName="resources/images/Level1.png" allowedSublevelNameRefs="Abteilung Bestand Undefiniert"> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="refCode" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="fromYear" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="toYear" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="extent" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="material" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="archivalHistory" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="accessNr" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="scopeContent" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true" displayRows="3"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="appraisalAndDestruction" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="arrangement" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="accessRestriction" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="conditionsOfReproductions" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="language" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="characteristics" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="findingAids" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="locationOfOriginals" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="reproductions" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="relatedMaterial" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="bibliography" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="comment" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true" displayRows="5"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="descriptionRules" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- </LEVELS:Level> 
- <LEVELS:Level nameID="Abteilung" iconFileName="resources/images/Level2.png" allowedSublevelNameRefs="Bestand Undefiniert"> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="refCode" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="fromYear" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="toYear" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="extent" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="material" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="archivalHistory" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="accessNr" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="scopeContent" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true" displayRows="3"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="appraisalAndDestruction" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="arrangement" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="accessRestriction" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="conditionsOfReproductions" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="language" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="characteristics" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="findingAids" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="locationOfOriginals" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="reproductions" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="relatedMaterial" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="bibliography" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="comment" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true" displayRows="5"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="descriptionRules" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- </LEVELS:Level> 
- <LEVELS:Level nameID="Bestand" iconFileName="resources/images/Level3.png" allowedSublevelNameRefs="Unterbestand Serie Dossier Undefiniert"> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="refCode" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="fromYear" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="toYear" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="extent" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="material" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="archivalHistory" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="accessNr" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="scopeContent" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true" displayRows="3"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="appraisalAndDestruction" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="arrangement" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="accessRestriction" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="conditionsOfReproductions" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="language" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="characteristics" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="findingAids" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="locationOfOriginals" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="reproductions" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="relatedMaterial" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="bibliography" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="comment" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true" displayRows="5"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="descriptionRules" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- </LEVELS:Level> 
- <LEVELS:Level nameID="Unterbestand" iconFileName="resources/images/Level4.png" allowedSublevelNameRefs="Serie Dossier Undefiniert"> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="refCode" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="fromYear" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="toYear" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="extent" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="material" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="archivalHistory" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="accessNr" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="scopeContent" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true" displayRows="3"/> 
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- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="arrangement" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="accessRestriction" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="conditionsOfReproductions" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="language" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="characteristics" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="findingAids" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="locationOfOriginals" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
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- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="bibliography" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="comment" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true" displayRows="5"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="descriptionRules" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- </LEVELS:Level> 
- <LEVELS:Level nameID="Serie" iconFileName="resources/images/Level5.png" allowedSublevelNameRefs="Unterserie Dossier Dokument Undefiniert"> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="refCode" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="fromYear" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="toYear" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="extent" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="material" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="archivalHistory" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="accessNr" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="scopeContent" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true" displayRows="3"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="appraisalAndDestruction" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="arrangement" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="accessRestriction" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
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- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="findingAids" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
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- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="comment" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true" displayRows="5"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="descriptionRules" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- </LEVELS:Level> 
- <LEVELS:Level nameID="Unterserie" iconFileName="resources/images/Level6.png" allowedSublevelNameRefs="Unterserie Dossier Dokument Undefiniert"> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="refCode" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="fromYear" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
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- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="accessNr" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
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- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="descriptionRules" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- </LEVELS:Level> 
- <LEVELS:Level nameID="Dossier" iconFileName="resources/images/Level7.png" allowedSublevelNameRefs="Teildossier Dokument Undefiniert"> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="refCode" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="fromYear" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="toYear" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
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- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="material" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="archivalHistory" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="accessNr" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
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- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="arrangement" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="accessRestriction" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="conditionsOfReproductions" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="language" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="characteristics" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="findingAids" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="locationOfOriginals" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="reproductions" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="relatedMaterial" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="bibliography" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="comment" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true" displayRows="5"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="descriptionRules" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- </LEVELS:Level> 
- <LEVELS:Level nameID="Teildossier" iconFileName="resources/images/Level8.png" allowedSublevelNameRefs="Teildossier Dokument Undefiniert"> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="refCode" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="fromYear" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="toYear" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="extent" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="material" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="archivalHistory" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="accessNr" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="scopeContent" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true" displayRows="3"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="appraisalAndDestruction" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="arrangement" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="accessRestriction" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="conditionsOfReproductions" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="language" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="characteristics" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="findingAids" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="locationOfOriginals" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="reproductions" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="relatedMaterial" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="bibliography" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="comment" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true" displayRows="5"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="descriptionRules" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- </LEVELS:Level> 
- <LEVELS:Level nameID="Dokument" iconFileName="resources/images/Level9.png" allowedSublevelNameRefs="Undefiniert"> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="refCode" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="fromYear" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="toYear" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="extent" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="material" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="archivalHistory" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="accessNr" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="scopeContent" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true" displayRows="3"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="appraisalAndDestruction" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="arrangement" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="accessRestriction" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="conditionsOfReproductions" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="language" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="characteristics" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="findingAids" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="locationOfOriginals" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="reproductions" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="relatedMaterial" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="bibliography" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="comment" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true" displayRows="5"/> 
- <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="descriptionRules" isMandatory="false" isRepeatable="false" isAlwaysDisplayed="true"/> 
- </LEVELS:Level> 
- </LEVELS:Levels> 
-In the first section of the levels.xml file (<LEVELS:MetadataElements>) all available [[docuteam:packer_240_config#metadaten-elemente|metadata elements]] are defined.\\  
-In the second section of the levels.xml file (<LEVELS:Levels>) the [[docuteam:packer_240_config#verzeichnungsebenen|levels of description]] as well as the allocation of metadata elements to the corresponding levels are defined. 
-==== metadata element ==== 
-A metadata element is defined by following five attributes: 
-^ Name ^ Content(example) ^ Explanation  ^ Mandatory^ 
-^ accessorNameId | accessNr |Explicit name of the metadata field. The name must correspond to one of the [[#List of descriptive metadate according to the Encoded Archival Description (EAD)|elements in the list below]], through which the data in packer is accessed. In case of need a metadata field can receive an individual label through the i18n-configuration. | mandatory | 
-^ defaultExpression | 'new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(new java.util.Date())' or '((ch.docuteam.darc.mets.structmap.NodeAbstract)object1).getMimeType()' |A Java expression used to intialise the content of this field upon creation (?). The current node is referenced by: '(ch.docuteam.darc.mets.structmap.NodeAbstract)object1' | optional | 
-^ validatorClassName | ch.docuteam.darc.mdconfig.MetadataElementValidatorDate |A Java class, which validates the content of this meatadata element upon its allocation. If the entered value is not valid, an error message is displayed and the field reverts to the last value.  | optional  | 
-^ postActionClassName | ch.docuteam.darc.mdconfig.MetadataElementSetterPostActionSysOut |A Java class, which executes any given action, **after** a value has been entered into this field. This action is **not** executed if the validation of the entered value fails. | optional | 
-^ allowedValues | *;Deutsch;English;Français;Italiano |A list of values displayed as a drop-down menu in pakcer. If the first element of this list is an asterisk "*", additional terms can be added. The list of values can also be predefined in a file according to the SKOS scheme („Simple Knowledge Organization System“). In this case, the relative path to the RDF-File needs to be delivered. | optional | 
-An example: 
-<LEVELS:MetadataElement accessorNameID="retentionPolicy" 
- defaultExpression='"Confidential"' 
- allowedValues="OpenAccess;EmbargoPeriod30Years;EmbargoPeriod50Years;Confidential"/> 
-With the element <LEVELS:AllowedValuesSeparator> the separator of the allowedValues-list can be set. The separator can contain several characters, for example: 
- <LEVELS:AllowedValuesSeparator>::</LEVELS:AllowedValuesSeparator> 
- <LEVELS:MetadataElement accessorNameID="language" allowedValues="*::Deutsch::English::Français::Italiano"/> 
-==== Levels of description ==== 
-A level of description is defined by the following 3 attributes: 
-^ Name ^ Content (example)   ^    Explanation   ^   mandatory   ^ 
-^ nameID | archive   |The explicit name of this level of description | * | 
-^ iconFileName | resources/images/LevelSerie.png |The path to the image file, displayed as the icon for this level of description. If this file does not exist, a yellow warning icon is displayed. | * | 
-^ allowedSublevelNameRefs   | fonds undefined |The list of the allowed sulebevels to the given level of description (archive). The elements of this list must be specified in the ''levels.xml'' file (as ''nameID'') and separated by a **space**. The first element of this list serves as the standard element for further sub-elements. | | 
-An example: 
-<LEVELS:Level nameID="Archiv" iconFileName="resources/images/LevelSerie.png" 
- allowedSublevelNameRefs="Abteilung Bestand Undefiniert"> 
-The allocation of metadata elements to levels of description is defined by a list of elements <LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement>. These elements contain following 7 attributes: 
-^ Name ^ Content (example) ^ Explanation^ Mandatory^ 
-^ accessorNameRef | language |The accessorNameID of the metadata element; references an accessorNameID from the list <LEVELS:MetadataElements> ([[#metadaten-elemente|see above]]) | * | 
-^ isMandatory | true |If true, this metadata element is mandatory. Mandatory elements are always displayed in the metadata list. If a mandatory element is empty, the dossier is marked with an exclamation point. | * | 
-^ isRepeatable | false |If true, there can be multiple copies/instances of this metadata element in the meadata list, which can be added or removed within packer as needed. | * | 
-^ isAlwaysDisplayed | true |If true, this metadata element is always displayed in the metadata list. | | 
-^ isReadOnly | false |If true, this metadata element **can't** be modified manually. A "defaultExpression" allowes to initialise this metadata element upon its creation. | | 
-^ keepInTemplate | false |If true, this metadata element is preserved (and **not deleted**) when creating a template/an SIP model. | | 
-^ displayRows | 5 |Displays the number of rows for this metadata element in the metadata list. | | 
-An example: 
-<LEVELS:LevelMetadataElement accessorNameRef="PID" isMandatory="false" 
- isRepeatable="false" 
- isAlwaysDisplayed="true" 
- isReadOnly="true"/> 
-==== List of descriptive metadate according to the Encoded Archival Description (EAD) ==== 
-All descriptive metadata are stored in the ''mets.xml'' file in compliance with the ''EAD-schema''. The used EAD elements are listed in the table below: 
-{{:docuteam:metadatatoxpathmapping_2.18.13.xlsx|Download MetadataToXPathMapping_2.18.13.xlsx}} 
-^AccessorNameID^Xpath relative to a <c> or <archdesc> element^is dynamic^ISAD(G)^ 
-^abstract | EAD:did/EAD:abstract | yes |  | 
-^accessionNumber | EAD:did/EAD:unitid[@type = 'accession'] | yes |  | 
-^accessNr | EAD:acqinfo/EAD:p | yes | 3.2.4 | 
-^accessPolicy | EAD:accessrestrict[@type = 'accessPolicy']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^accessRestriction | EAD:accessrestrict[@type = 'restrictions']/EAD:p | yes | 3.4.1 | 
-^accessRestrictionClassification | EAD:accessrestrict[@type = 'accessRestrictionsClassification']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^accessRestrictionClosureYear | EAD:accessrestrict[@type = 'accessRestrictionsClosureYear']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^accessRestrictionExplanation | EAD:accessrestrict[@type = 'accessRestrictionsExplanation']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^accessRestrictionIsMetadataPublic | EAD:accessrestrict[@type = 'accessRestrictionsIsMetadataPublic']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^accessRestrictionIsPublic | EAD:accessrestrict[@type = 'accessRestrictionsIsPublic']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^accessRestrictionPeriod | EAD:accessrestrict[@type = 'accessRestrictionsPeriod']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^accessRestrictionPeriodBaseYear | EAD:accessrestrict[@type = 'accessRestrictionsPeriodBaseYear']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^accessRestrictionPrivacy | EAD:accessrestrict[@type = 'accessRestrictionsPrivacy']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^accessRestrictionStatus | EAD:accessrestrict[@type = 'accessRestrictionsStatus']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^accessRestrictionStatusExplanation | EAD:accessrestrict[@type = 'accessRestrictionsStatusExplanation']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^accruals | EAD:accruals/EAD:p | yes | 3.3.3 | 
-^appraisalAndDestruction | EAD:appraisal/EAD:p | yes | 3.3.2 | 
-^appraisalDateDisposed | EAD:appraisal/EAD:note[@type = 'dateDisposed']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^appraisalIsOnHold | EAD:appraisal/EAD:note[@type = 'isOnHold']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^appraisalRetentionPeriod | EAD:appraisal/EAD:note[@type ='retentionPeriod']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^archivalHistory | EAD:custodhist/EAD:p | yes | 3.2.3 | 
-^arrangement | EAD:arrangement/EAD:p | yes | 3.3.4 | 
-^author | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:persname[@role = 'author'] | yes |  | 
-^bibliography | EAD:bibliography/EAD:p | yes | 3.5.4 | 
-^biographicalHistory | EAD:bioghist/EAD:p | yes | 3.2.2 | 
-^cartographicMaterial | EAD:did/EAD:materialspec[@label = 'cartographic'] | yes |  | 
-^characteristics | EAD:phystech/EAD:p | yes | 3.4.4 | 
-^characteristicsNote | EAD:phystech/EAD:note/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^codeLocation | EAD:did/EAD:physloc[@label = 'code'] | yes |  | 
-^comment | EAD:note/EAD:p | yes | 3.6.1 | 
-^compartment | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:name[@role = 'compartment'] | yes |  | 
-^conditionsOfReproductions | EAD:userestrict/EAD:p | yes | 3.4.2 | 
-^creationPeriod | EAD:did/EAD:unitdate[@label = 'creationPeriod'] | yes |  | 
-^creationPeriodNotes | EAD:did/EAD:unitdate[@label = 'creationPeriodNotes'] | yes |  | 
-^creator | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:persname[@role = 'creator'] | yes |  | 
-^date | EAD:did/EAD:unitdate[@label = 'date'] | yes |  | 
-^dateOfBirth | EAD:bioghist/EAD:note[@type = 'dateBirth']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^deathOfAuthor | EAD:bioghist/EAD:note[not(@type)]/EAD:p/EAD:date[@type = 'deathAuthor'] | yes |  | 
-^descriptionLevel | EAD:processinfo[@type = 'level']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^descriptionLevelNotes | EAD:processinfo[@type = 'levelNotes']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^descriptionRules | EAD:processinfo[@type = 'rules']/EAD:p | yes | 3.7.2 | 
-^digitization | EAD:processinfo[@type = 'digitization']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^dimensions | EAD:did/EAD:physdesc/EAD:dimensions | yes |  | 
-^DOI | EAD:did/EAD:unitid[@type = 'otherStandardIdentifier'] | yes |  | 
-^DoiJournal | EAD:odd[@type = 'doiJournal']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^editionStatement | EAD:odd[@type = 'edition']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^event | EAD:odd[@type = 'event']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^extent | EAD:did/EAD:physdesc/EAD:extent[not(@type)] | yes | 3.1.5 | 
-^extentNote | EAD:did/EAD:physdesc/EAD:extent[@type = 'note'] | yes | 3.1.5 | 
-^extentUnit | EAD:did/EAD:physdesc/EAD:extent[not(@type)]/@unit | yes |  | 
-^familyName | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:famname[@role = 'general'] | yes |  | 
-^findingAids | EAD:otherfindaid/EAD:p | yes | 3.4.5 | 
-^firstname | EAD:bioghist/EAD:note[@type = 'firstName']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^format | EAD:did/EAD:physdesc[@label = 'format'] | yes |  | 
-^from | EAD:did/EAD:unitdate[@label = 'from'] | yes | 3.1.3 | 
-^fromYear | EAD:did/EAD:unitdate[@label = 'fromYear'] | yes | 3.1.3 | 
-^fullLocation | EAD:did/EAD:physloc[@label = 'fullLocation'] | yes |  | 
-^function | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:function[@role = 'general'] | yes |  | 
-^fundingSource | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:name[@role = 'fundingSource'] | yes |  | 
-^geogName | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:geogname[@role = 'general'] | yes |  | 
-^institute | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:name[@role = 'institute'] | yes |  | 
-^institution | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:corpname[not(@role)] | yes |  | 
-^institutionCreator | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:corpname[@role = 'creator'] | yes |  | 
-^institutionInvolved | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:corpname[@role = 'involved'] | yes |  | 
-^involved | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:persname[@role = 'involved'] | yes |  | 
-^ISBN | EAD:did/EAD:unitid[@type = 'isbn'] | yes |  | 
-^ISSN | EAD:did/EAD:unitid[@type = 'issn'] | yes |  | 
-^journal | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:name[@role = 'journal'] | yes |  | 
-^keyword | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:name[@role = 'keyword'] | yes |  | 
-^language | EAD:did/EAD:langmaterial/EAD:language | yes | 3.4.3 | 
-^languageNotes | EAD:did/EAD:langmaterial/@label | yes |  | 
-^lastname | EAD:bioghist/EAD:note[@type = 'lastName']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^location | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:name[@role = 'location'] | yes |  | 
-^locationOfOriginals | EAD:originalsloc/EAD:p | yes | 3.5.1 | 
-^material | EAD:did/EAD:physdesc/EAD:physfacet | yes | 3.1.5 | 
-^method | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:name[@role = 'method'] | yes |  | 
-^modeOfAcquisition | EAD:custodhist/EAD:acqinfo/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^nationality | EAD:bioghist/EAD:note[@type = 'nationality']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^objectType | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:genreform | yes |  | 
-^occupation | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:occupation[@role = 'general'] | yes |  | 
-^origination | EAD:did/EAD:origination | yes | 3.2.1 | 
-^originationAgency | EAD:did/EAD:origination[@label = 'agency'] | yes |  | 
-^originationDepartment | EAD:did/EAD:origination[@label = 'department'] | yes |  | 
-^otherLevelName | [@level = 'otherlevel']/@otherlevel | no | 3.1.4 | 
-^PID | EAD:dao[@xlink:role = 'simple']/@xlink:href | yes |  | 
-^placeOfPublication | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:name[@role = 'placeOfPublication'] | yes |  | 
-^processInfoArchivist | EAD:processinfo[@type = 'archivist']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^processInfoDate | EAD:processinfo[@type = 'date']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^project | EAD:odd[@type = 'project']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^projectAbbreviation | EAD:odd[@type = 'projectAbbreviation']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^projectName | EAD:odd[@type = 'projectName']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^projectTitle | EAD:odd[@type = 'projectTitle']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^publisher | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:name[@role = 'publisher'] | yes |  | 
-^refCode | EAD:did/EAD:unitid[@type = 'refCode'] | yes | 3.1.1 | 
-^refCodeAdmin | EAD:did/EAD:unitid[@type = 'refCodeAdmin'] | yes |  | 
-^refCodeIsVisible | EAD:did/EAD:unitid[@type = 'isVisible'] | yes |  | 
-^refCodeOld | EAD:did/EAD:unitid[@type = 'refCodeOld'] | yes |  | 
-^refCodeSeparator | EAD:did/EAD:unitid[@type = 'separator'] | yes |  | 
-^relatedMaterial | EAD:relatedmaterial/EAD:p | yes | 3.5.3 | 
-^relationPeriod | EAD:did/EAD:unitdate[@label = 'relationPeriod'] | yes |  | 
-^reproductions | EAD:altformavail/EAD:p | yes | 3.5.2 | 
-^responsible | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:persname[@role = 'responsible'] | yes |  | 
-^retentionPeriod | EAD:accessrestrict[@type = 'retentionPeriod']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^retentionPeriodBaseYear | EAD:accessrestrict[@type = 'baseYear']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^retentionPolicy | EAD:accessrestrict[@type = 'retentionPolicy']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^revisions | EAD:processinfo[@type = 'revisions']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^scopeContent | EAD:scopecontent/EAD:p | yes | 3.3.1 | 
-^sex | EAD:bioghist/EAD:note[@type = 'sex']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^size | EAD:did/EAD:physdesc[@label = 'size'] | yes |  | 
-^sourceType | EAD:custodhist/EAD:note/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^staff | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:persname[@role = 'staff'] | yes |  | 
-^status | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:name[@role = 'status'] | yes |  | 
-^subject | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:subject[not(@role)] | yes |  | 
-^subjectGeneral | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:subject[@role = 'general'] | yes |  | 
-^submitStatus | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:name[@role = 'submitStatus'] | no |  | 
-^to | EAD:did/EAD:unitdate[@label = 'to'] | yes | 3.1.3 | 
-^toYear | EAD:did/EAD:unitdate[@label = 'toYear'] | yes | 3.1.3 | 
-^uniformTitle | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:title[@type = 'uniform'] | yes |  | 
-^unitTitle | EAD:did/EAD:unittitle[@label = 'main'] | no | 3.1.2 | 
-^unitTitleAdditional | EAD:did/EAD:unittitle[@label = 'additional'] | yes |  | 
-^unitTitleOriginal | EAD:did/EAD:unittitle[@label = 'original'] | yes | 3.1.2 | 
-^unitTitleVarying | EAD:did/EAD:unittitle[@label = 'varying'] | yes |  | 
-^university | EAD:controlaccess/EAD:name[@role = 'university'] | yes |  | 
-^usage | EAD:odd[@type = 'usage']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^usagePermission | EAD:accessrestrict[@type = 'usagePermission']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^usagePermissionExpiringDate | EAD:accessrestrict[@type = 'usagePermissionExpiringDate']/EAD:p | yes |  | 
-^year | EAD:did/EAD:unitdate[@label = 'year'] | yes |  | 
-===== config/ ===== 
-==== Example ==== 
-Following, the configuration parameters for the standardization function of selected file names.  
-==== Explanations ==== 
-^ Variable ^ Value (example) ^ Explanation ^ If empty or unidentified ^ 
-^ prefix | monPrefix |This value ist added at the beginning of the file name at the moment of the standardisation/when commencing the standardisation process. | If there is no value for this variable, no prefix is added. | 
-^ suffix | monSuffix |This value ist added at the end of the file at the moment of the standardisation/when commencing the standardisation process. | If there is no value for this variable, no suffix is added. | 
-^ maxLength | 40 |The character length of the file name is cut to the corresponding number of characters, this includes configurated prefixes and suffixes.  | If there is no value for this variable, no suffix is added. | 
-^ fileNameRegex | <code>[a-zA-Z0-9.\\-\\/+=@_]*$</code> | Validation scheme (regex) used to determine if all characters of the file name are authorized. | The validation scheme is necessary for the proper functioning of packer. | 
-===== config/ ===== 
-Structuré comme un fichier de propriétés JAVA, il met en relation sous la forme de ''key-value store'' un caractère source identifié dans les noms de fichiers avec son équivalent cible qui est destiné à le remplacer.  
-==== Exemple ==== 
-Le caractère source (ex. ''ç'') peut être indiqué dans le fichier de configuration soit en tant que tel ''ç'', soit par l'expression de son code UTF-8 dans le contexte JAVA ''\u00E7''. Pour plus d'information sur cet exemple, consulter [[|ç dans graphemica]]. 
-==== Extrait du fichier .properties ==== 
-# whitespace as Unicode: \u0020 
-# ( as Unicode, must be escaped due to java.util.regex.Pattern ( 
-# ) as Unicode, must be escaped due to java.util.regex.Pattern 
-# ' as Unicode 
en/docuteam/packer_500_config.1541070760.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2019/01/07 11:26 (Externe Bearbeitung)

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