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DocuteamDublinCore1.0 SIP format


A Docuteam DublinCore SIP is a zipped bagit, using at least sha256 checksums (other checksum algorithms supported by bagit are optional). Inside the bagit container, a hierarchical folder contains data objects described using XML DublinCore metatdata.


container structure specification

Within the zipped bagit, these SIP are organized as follows:

  1. the root folder, corresponding to the root object within the SIP, is named „data“ (this is handled automatically by bagit libraries)
  2. subfolders may be named freely
  3. subfolders may be organized recursively
  4. in each folder (at all levels) there is a mandatory metadata file always named „dc.xml“
  5. in addition, each folder (at all levels) may contain either (but not both!):
    • one or more subfolders
    • one datafile, which may be named freely (except „dc.xml“)

A more formal structure definition :

<rootfolder>     ::= <metadata file> <children>*
<metadata file>  ::= dc.xml
<children>       ::= <folder>* | <file>
<folder>         ::= <metadata file> <children>*
<file>           ::= filename.ext

container structure examples

example 1 : container structure with only one file

├── dc.xml
└── filename1.ext

example 2 : container structure with several files

├── dc.xml
├── folder1
│   ├── dc.xml
│   └── fileA.ext
├── folder2
│   ├── dc.xml
│   └── fileB.ext
└── folder3
    ├── dc.xml
    └── fileC.ext

example 3 :complex structure with several files

├── dc.xml
├── folder1
│   ├── dc.xml
│   ├── folder2
│   │   ├── dc.xml
│   │   └── file3.ext
│   └── folder4
│       ├── dc.xml
│       └── folder5
│           ├── dc.xml
│           └── file5.ext
├── folder6
│   ├── dc.xml
│   └── file6.ext
└── folder7
    ├── dc.xml
    └── folder8
        ├── dc.xml
        └── folder9
            ├── dc.xml
            └── file8.ext

metadata specification

Metadata is restricted to the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, i.e. to 15 elements (dc 1.1 terms, see

In addition, the following constraints apply:

  1. The „Identifier“ field is mandatory at each level in „dc.xml“, it must contain:
    • At each level: the the client application identifier of the object with the prefix „clientid:“ e.g. „clientid:1234567“ or „clientid:d4FTw3v6T“
    • At root level, a mandatory identifier with the customer namespace in the repository (this is often the ISIL code) prefixed with „namespace:“, e.g. „namespace:CH-1234-1“
  2. The „Title“ field is mandatory at each level in the „dc.xml“ file. It is not repeatable.
  3. All other 13 fields are optional and repeatable, they are:
    • Creator (e.g. the authors, one per field repetition, that can be persons or institutions)
    • Subject (typically keywords, one per field repetition)
    • Description (a textual description of the object or folder)
    • Publisher
    • Contributor
    • Date (use ISO-8601, e.g. 2018-11-30)
    • Type
    • Format
    • Source
    • Language
    • Relation
    • Coverage
    • Rights

metadata examples

example 1: minimal metadata at root level

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<dc:title>Minimalist Example</dc:title>


example 2: full metadata at root level

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<dc:title>All fields are set</dc:title>
<dc:creator>Atreid, Leto</dc:creator>
<dc:description>Description of the docuteam dublin core package format, version 1.0.</dc:description>
<dc:contributor>Smith, John</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor>Jaquard, Paul</dc:contributor>
<dc:source>Dublin Core Package Structure (</dc:source>
<dc:relation>docuteam bridge api for client applications (</dc:relation>
<dc:rights>CreativeCommons CC-By</dc:rights>

docuteam/sip_dc_public_documentation.1567579045.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2019/09/04 08:37 von jan

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