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en:docuteam:feeder_380 [2017/09/01 08:10] ladinaen:docuteam:feeder_380 [2023/02/06 15:24] (aktuell) – gelöscht Administrator
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-======docuteam feeder 3.8.1====== 
-Executing Ingest processes of digital deliveries automatically, rather than manually, is standard operation. As soon as a new SIP is delivered to the intended folder, an appropriate Ingest workflow will be launched. This workflow will process the SIP in several steps. The process is logged and can be monitored online.  
-The interaction with docuteam feeder takes place via web front-end. 
-===== Log in to the system ===== 
-Accessing docuteam feeder in your browser will display a login window. 
-If you activate the checkbox “remember me”, the entered data will be suggested, the next time you log in. 
-After a successful login, you will land on the page “executions”. If you’ve logged in as administrator you’ll find a menu bar to the top right with five sections: executions, workflows, steps, users, cockpit: 
-{{:docuteam:3_anmeldung_admin_mit_organisation.png?900|Das Hauptmenu für Administratoren}} 
-If you’ve logged in as a user, following sections are available: 
-{{:docuteam:3_1_anmeldung_admin_ohne_organisation.png?900|Das Hauptmenu für Benutzer}} 
-  * **[[docuteam:feeder_300#menuepunkt_ausfuehrungen|Executions:]] ** this section shows an overview of all completed, ongoing or pending executions. An execution is the actual processing of a SIP by means of a specific workflow.  
-  * **[[docuteam:feeder_300#menuepunkt_workflows|Workflows:]]**  a workflow is an orderly sequence of (pre-)defined process-steps, which is applied to a SIP during an execution. In this section, workflows are defined, manged, launched and, if necessary, deleted. 
-  * **[[docuteam:feeder_300#menuepunkt_schritte|Steps:]]**  a step is the integration and coordination of software components and services. This menu section is only visible to administrators.  
-  * **[[docuteam:feeder_300#menuepunkt_benutzer|Users:]]**  user administration. This section is only visible to administrators. 
-  * **[[docuteam:feeder_300#menuepunkt_cockpit|Cockpit:]]** this section provides information on memory, used file formats, etc. 
-[[docuteam:feeder_300|{{ :wiki:up.png?nolink|Seitenanfang}}]] 
-===== Menu option „executions“ ===== 
-The menu option „executions“, shows an overview of all completed, ongoing or pending workflow-processes. . 
-In this section you can monitor all executions. It comprises a list of all SIP,  
-  * Which are currently being processed 
-  * Which have completed a process  
-  * Whose process was cancelled due to an error 
-The list has several columns containing information about the processes: 
-  * **ID** shows the unique processing number 
-  * **Workflow** shows the name of the workflow processing the SIP. For further information on the workflow, switch to the section **Workflows** and click the button ''show'' in the row of the corresponding workflow.. 
-  * **SIP** shows the SIP currently being processed. 
-  * The column **Status** displays each processing step of a workflow as a dot. The colour of the dot indicates the status of the corresponding step: 
-    * **brown**: this step is still outstanding. 
-    * **yellow**: this step is being processed. 
-    * **green**: this step was completed successfully. 
-    * **red**: this step was aborted due to an error.  
-    * **black**: this step was skipped. 
-  * **Starting time** shows the time, the execution process was launched.. 
-  * **Duration** shoes the elapsed time since the launch of the process. 
-Please note that the information given, refers to the time the page was first visited. If you wish to know the current status, you have to reload the page. 
-To call up details of an execution, click on the link “show” at the right end of the corresponding row. 
-The amount of information shown at each workflow-step depends on the log-level. If a step was completed successfully, a green "completed with code 0" is displayed and the next step will commence. Should a step fail, an error-code will be signalled in red. In the example below a file migration could not be executed correctly. 
-The same rule applies in this case: to view the current status, the page needs to be reloaded. 
-[[docuteam:feeder_300|{{ :wiki:up.png?nolink|Seitenanfang}}]] 
-===== Menu option „workflows" ===== 
-The menu option "Workflows" shows all defined ingest-workflows, that can be applied to a SIP. 
-By clicking "show" the individual steps of the particular workflow will be shown. 
-The link "edit" und "Bearbeiten" leads to a page in which workflows can be edited. A workflow always has a linear progression: Basically, a SIP is sent into a pipeline, in which each step is processed successively. In case of an error, the process is stopped and the pending steps are omitted. 
-In the trial operation, ingest-workflows of individual SIPs can be executed manually. The button ''start'' was designed for this purpose. After you’ve clicked on the button a dialogue box appears in which you can type in the name of your SIP. Important: the name should be entered without the file-ending .zip. 
-===== Menu option "steps" ===== 
-The menu option "steps" shows all workflow-steps, which are available in docuteam feeder and can be compiled into an ingest-workflow. 
-New steps can also be added, for example, to integrate additional migration tools or to expand the ingest-process with additional functionalities. 
-[[docuteam:feeder_300|{{ :wiki:up.png?nolink|Seitenanfang}}]] 
-=====  Menu option "users" ===== 
-To add a new user, a user-name, email adress and pasword need to be created. Additionally, the role of the user needs to be defined: 
-  * An **executor ** can execute and monitor ingest-workflows, yet cannot create or change them. 
-  * An **administrator** can execute as well as create or change ingest-workflows. In addition, an administrator can manage users.. 
-[[docuteam:feeder_300|{{ :wiki:up.png?nolink|Seitenanfang}}]] 
-===== Menu option "cockpit" ===== 
-The cockpit informs you about memory conditions, the amount of various file formats, or the number of ingests and objects. The cockpit gathers information from the fedora commons repository mostly [[|docuteamOAIS]]). 
-Detailed reports on file formats or memory conditions can be issued. 
-[[docuteam:feeder_300|{{ :wiki:up.png?nolink|Seitenanfang}}]] 
en/docuteam/feeder_380.1504246217.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2019/01/07 11:26 (Externe Bearbeitung)

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