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Feeder Steps



Erklärungen zur Notation in den Codesequenzen.

Ausdruck Bedeutung Beispiel
[parameter] Optionaler Parameter [deleteInfected]
{ WERT1 | wert2 | wert3 } Auswahl der gültigen Parameterwerte,
default in Grossbuchstaben
{ TRUE | false }


Um die Parameter einer Operation zu sehen, kann die entsprechende Klasse ohne Parameter auf der Shell aus dem Verzeichnis %FEEDER_JAVA% aufgerufen werden, bspw. SIP-Extractor:

java ch.docuteam.feeder.qualityassurance.SIPExtractor

Ergibt folgenden Output:

ERROR 2014-01-02T10:54:25.140 (SIPExtractor) A wrong number of parameters was passed to the command executor
INFO 2014-01-02T10:54:25.140 (SIPExtractor) Usage: java ch.docuteam.documill.qualityassurance.SIPExtractor [path/to/]SIP
        [path/to/]SIP: name of the SIP; if not path is given, it will be expected to be in the location defined by the docudarc.workbench.workdir ...


Admin: execute

Run a cmd command

Usage: cmd /C [SIP]
	SIP: cmd command

Admin: show feeder Version

Die Version gibt den Wert, der installierten Version der docuteam feeder Bibliothek und die Versions Nummer von den abhängigen docuteam Bibliotheken, aus.

Usage: java ch.docuteam.feeder.admin.Version -v
docuteam feeder: 3.4.0 (19.04.2017)
docuteam darc: 2.18.7 (19.04.2017)
docuteam converter: 1.4.0 (10.10.2016)
docuteam tools: 1.11.8 (18.01.2017)


Ingest: BARSIP Converter

Der BARSIPConverter konvertiert ein BARSIP SIP in ein SIP welches dem Matterhorn Profile entspricht.

Usage: java ch.docuteam.feeder.ingest.BARSIPConverter [path/to/]BAR-SIP [targetFolder]
	[path/to/]BAR-SIP: name of the BAR-SIP folder or ZIP-file; if no path is given, it will be expected to be in the location defined by the 'feeder.workbench.dropbox' property
	[targetFolder]: directory where to move the created SIP to; if omitted, the SIP will be moved to the location defined by the 'feeder.workbench.workdir' property

Ingest: Check Workbench Space

Prüft, ob genügend Platz für die Verarbeitung des SIPs (d.h. für Arbeitskopien) vorhanden ist.

Usage: java ch.docuteam.feeder.ingest.CheckWorkbenchSpace [path/to/]SIP [numberOfCopies]
	[path/to/]SIP: name of the SIP. If not path is given, it will be expected to be in the location defined by the property
	[numberOfCopies]: optional, number of copies to calculate with; defaults to '3'

Ingest: cleanup working copies

Der Cleanup wird gebraucht um vorhandene SIP(s) aus dem Workfodler in der Workbench zu löschen. Dabei wird die Workbench welche in der Datei definiert ist verwendet. Als Option, können auch SIP Versionen welche im Prepration Verzeichnis in der Workbench liegen und den gleichen Namen haben gelöscht werden.

Usage: java ch.docuteam.feeder.ingest.Cleanup [path/to/]SIP [prep]
	[path/to/]SIP: name of the SIP. If not path is given, it will be expected to be in the location defined by the feeder.workbench.workdir property
	[prep]: if 'true', SIPs of the same name in the preparation folder will be removed as well; defaults to 'false'

Ingest: create EAD file

CreateEADFile erstellt aus einzelnen Knotenpunkten von einem gegebenen SIP, EAD Datenblöcke und legt diese in ein fertig erstellte Verzeichnis ab.

Usage: java ch.docuteam.feeder.ingest.CreateEADFile [path/to/]SIP [targetFilename]
	[path/to/]SIP: name of the SIP; if not path is given, it will be expected to be in the location defined by the feeder.workbench.workdir property
        optional, name of the output file; defaults to EAD.xml within the SIP's subfolder in nthe location defined by the 'feeder.workbench.output' property

Ingest: extent calculator

Setzt die Anzahl Dateien in das Metadatenfeld „Umfang“ und die Einheit auf den Default „Datei(en)“.

Usage: java ch.docuteam.feeder.ingest.ExtentCalculator [path/to/]SIP
	[path/to/]SIP: name of the SIP; if not path is given, it will be expected to be in the location defined by the property

Ingest: file migration

The SIPFileMigrator compares the files of a SIP with the settings of a configuration file (migration-config.xml) and converts the files according to the definitions in that file.

Usage: java ch.docuteam.feeder.ingest.SIPFileMigrator [path/to/]SIP keepOriginals [path/to/migration-config.xml]
        [path/to/]SIP: name of the SIP; if not path is given, it will be expected to be in the location defined by the property
        keepOriginals: { true | false }, indicating whether to keep the original files after the migration process
        [path/to/migration-config.xml]: optional path to a specific migration configuration file (defaults to ./config/migration-config.xml)

Ingest: Remove SIP from Inbox

Der Schritt SIPRemoveFromInbox operation löscht ein vorhandenes SIP aus der Inbox in einen vorgegebenen Ordner oder löscht es, sofern kein Zielordner angegeben ist.

Usage: java ch.docuteam.feeder.ingest.SIPRemoveFromInbox [path/to/]SIP [targetFolder]
	[path/to/]SIP: path of the SIP; if only the name is given, it will be expected to be in the location defined by the feeder.workbench.inbox property
	[targetFolder]: directory where to move the SIP to; if omitted, the SIP will be deleted

Ingest: transform EAD

Beispiel: EAD transformation in AIS spezifisches Format.

 java net.sf.saxon.Transform -s://path/to/workbench/2_work/${SIP}/EAD.xml -xsl:C:/docuteam/apps/feeder_java/resources/xslt/EAD2AIS.xslt -o://path/to/workbench/7_AIS-EADFiles/${SIP}.xml

Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance: extract SIP into workfolder

Extrahiert ein gezipptes SIP in den workfolder der Workbench. Ein optionales zweites Argument kann verwendet werden um einen anderen Zielordner anzugeben.

Usage: java ch.docuteam.feeder.qualityassurance.SIPExtractor [path/to/]SIP [targetdir]
	[path/to/]SIP: name of the SIP; if not path is given, it will be expected to be in the location defined by the feeder.workbench.workdir property
	[targetdir]: target directory; absolute path of the directory where to unzip the SIP to. Optional, default to the workdir defined in the

Quality Assurance: fixity check (md5)

Überprüft die Dateien auf Konformität mit den hinterlegten Checksummen in der METS Datei.
Die Resultate der Prüfung werden in Form von PREMIS Events als inline xml Code in das METS File geschrieben.

Usage: java ch.docuteam.feeder.qualityassurance.SIPFixityCheck [path/to/]SIP
	[path/to/]SIP: name of the SIP; if not path is given, it will be expected to be in the location defined by the feeder.workbench.workdir property

Quality Assurance: file path length check

Prüft, ob die Länge von absoluten Pfade eines SIPs über einem anzugebenden Wert liegen.

Usage: java ch.docuteam.feeder.qualityassurance.FilePathLengthCheck /absolute/path/to/folder maxAllowedFilePathLength
	/absolute/path/to/folder: absolute path of the folder that should be checked
	maxAllowedFilePathLength: the max allowed number of characters of the canonical file path

Quality Assurance: sip path length check

Prüft die Dateipfadlängen innerhalb eines SIPs gegen einen anzugebenden Grenzwert.

Usage: java ch.docuteam.feeder.qualityassurance.SIPPathLengthCheck [path/to/]SIP  maxAllowedFilePathLength
	[path/to/]SIP: name of the SIP; if not path is given, it will be expected to be in the location defined by the property
	maxAllowedFilePathLength: the max allowed number of characters of the canonical file path

Quality Assurance: get PID

Verbindet das Fedora Repository und holt eine einzelne PID um das SIP zu identifizieren. In der Sequenz, wird das entsprechende PID als Haupt-Einfalls-Tor in das Repository für die Submission verwendet. Der Wert wird in dem <mets:OBJID> Element eingelagert.

Usage: java ch.docuteam.feeder.qualityassurance.SIPConfirmation [path/to/]SIP [PIDNamespace[:###]]
	[path/to/]SIP: name of the SIP. If not path is given, it will be expected to be in the location defined by the feeder.workbench.workdir property
	[PID namespace[:###]]: namespace for new PID or complete PID to use for the object; if omitted, the standard namespace from the submission agreement will be used; if the submission agreement cannot be found, the default namespace of the Fedora repository will be used.

Quality Assurance: convert to safe filenames

Benennt Dateien mit Spezialzeichen um. Sichere Dateinamen beinhalten nur Zeichen aus A-Z, a-z, 0-9, und „_.-“.

Usage: java ch.docuteam.feeder.qualityassurance.SIPConvertToSafeFileNames [path/to/]SIP
	[path/to/]SIP: name of the SIP; if not path is given, it will be expected to be in the location defined by the property

Quality Assurance: delete backup files

Löscht Dateien aus dem SIP die einem bestimmten Namensmuster entsprechen.

Usage: java ch.docuteam.feeder.qualityassurance.SIPDeleteBackupFiles [path/to/]SIP  [filenamePattern filenamePattern ...]
	[path/to/]SIP: name of the SIP; if not path is given, it will be expected to be in the location defined by the property
	[filenamePattern filenamePattern ...]: a list of filename patterns (NOT case-sensitive, '*' is wildcard, but is only allowed at the beginning or end of the pattern). Files matching any one of this patterns will be deleted

Quality Assurance: SIPSubmissionAgreementCheck

Prüft ob die Dateiformate mit den Vorgaben aus dem Submission Agreement übereinstimmen. Es gibt zwei Modis: im ersten Modus (removeBadFiles = false), wird jede Datei welche über keine Übereinstimmung mit dem Submission Agreement hat aufgelistet (verwendet werden hierzu die WARN log Einträge) und zudem wir dein Fehlercode ausgegeben.

Beim zweiten Modus (removeBadFiles = true), wird jede Datei welche über keine Übereinstimmung mit dem submission agreement aufweist, aus dem SIP gelöscht. Das modifizierte METS.xml wird hier gespeichert (das originale SIP bleibt unverändert als Backup bestehen).

Usage: JAVA ch.docuteam.feeder.qualityassurance.SIPSubmissionAgreementCheck [path/to/]SIP [removeBadFiles]
	[path/to/]SIP: name of the SIP; if not path is given, it will be expected to be in the location defined by the feeder.workbench.workdir property
	[removeBadFiles]: optional, { true | false }; indicating whether to automatically remove files that are not valid according to the submission agreement

Quality Assurance: SIP virus check

Jede im SIP vorhandene Datei wird auf Viren überprüft. Für die Virenprüfung wird der Virenscanner von ClamAV ( verwendet.
Vorraussetzung für diese Prüfung ist ein gestartet ClamAV Dienst. Abhängig vom zweiten Argument werden infizierte Dateien verworfen oder automatisch gelöscht.

Usage: java ch.docuteam.feeder.qualityassurance.SIPVirusCheck [path/to/]SIP deleteInfected
	[path/to/]SIP: name of the SIP; if not path is given, it will be expected to be in the location defined by the feeder.workbench.workdir property
	deleteInfected: if 'true', the operation automatically removes infected files from the SIP


Storage: check checksums

Der ChecksumChecker vergleicht die Objekcte aus dem ORIGINAL Datastream in Fedora mit der generierten Checksumme. Die FEEDER_JAVA System Variable wird dabei zur Lokalisierung der Konfigurations Dateien verwendet.

Usage: java -e "[mailto:]<recipient>" [-s subjectOk|subjectError|subjectNoConnection] [-n namespace..]
	-e (or --email) <recipient>: URL of type If protocol is ommitted it is automatically prepended to the email address
Optional Parameters:
	-s (or --subject) subjectOk|subjectError|subjectNoConnection: mail subjects to use for the given outcomes, separated by '|'. Exactly 3 subjects must be given, but may be empty to use default. First subject is used, if everything is ok; second, if bad files are found; third, if no connection could be established to fedora. Use %1d to display the number of failed checks and %2s to display the URL of the targeted fedora.
	-n (or --namespace) [namespace] [namespace] ...: Fedora namespaces separated by space; if no namespace is given, all namespaces are checked.

Storage: create Fedora objects

Der FOXMLCreator konvertiert ein zugewiesenes METS Packet in eine separates FXOML (Fedora Object) Datei. Verwendet werden die aktuellen Verzeichnisse oder - falls nicht verfügbar - die FEEDER_JAVA Systemvariablen um die Konfigurations-Dateien und die in der Workbench defininierten Datei zu lokalisieren. Der Code benutzt das Verzeichnis des Ingest Tools welches auf der Fedora website verfügbar ist. Änderungen werden zur Unterstützung gemacht um die Unterschiede zwischen Root-Ordner uund Ordner durchgehende Umsetzungs-Regeln (crules.xml) und um bereits während dem Ingest Prozess erhaltene PID zu handbhaben.

Usage: java [path/to/]SIP
	[path/to/]SIP: name of the SIP. If not path is given, it will be expected to be in the location defined by the feeder.workbench.workdir property

Storage: deliver DIP

Der DIPDeliverer erhält den/die Datastreams(s) für ein bereitgestelltes fedora PID oder eine Datei im PUID Format, diese wird wiederum als DIP verkpackt und wird in dem zugewiesenen Verzeichnis gelagert.

Usage: java['pid'|'puid'] [PID|PUID] [targetLocation]
	['pid' | 'puid'] (if 'pid' then provide a fedora PID, if 'puid' then provide a pronom PUID)
	[PID|PUID] (PID = fedora persistent unique identifier, PUID = pronom persistent unique identifier)
Optional Parameters:
	[targetLocation]: Location where to save DIP.

Storage: transfer Fedora objects to repository

Der FOXMLIngester überträgt die gegebene Liste von FOXML (Fedora Objekt) Dateien auf ein Fedora repository Storage. Die FEEDER_JAVA System Variable wird verwendet um Konfigurations Dateien und die definierte Workbench zu lokalsieren welche in der Datei abgelegt ist.

Usage: java [path/to/]SIP [keepFOXML]
	[path/to/]SIP: name of the SIP. If no path is given, it will be expected to be in the location defined by the feeder.workbench.finished property
	keepFOXML: One of { true | false }, indicating whether to keep the FOXML files after a successful ingest; defaults to 'true'

Storage: update Fedora object

Diese Operation lädt neue Versionen von einem Objekt auf den Fedora Server.

Usage: java [path/to/]SIP
	[path/to/]SIP: name of the SIP. If not path is given, it will be expected to be in the location defined by the feeder.workbench.workdir property

Storage: validate METS

Der METS Validator validiert die mets xml Dateien mit dem verbundenen Schema Definitionen und platziert die Definition des Namenraumes vom Root Element zu den jeweiligen Elementen. Dies ist eine notwendige Vorbereitung für das mets xml wenn dieses in unterschiedliche Teile aufgesplittet werden muss wenn bspw. unterschiedliche foxml Dateien aus einem SIP erstellt werden sollen (FOXMLCreator).

Usage: java [path/to/]SIP [withEAD]
	[path/to/]SIP: path of the SIP; if not path is given, it will be expected to be in the location defined by the feeder.workbench.workdir property
	[withEAD]: whether to include EAD as descriptive metadata and create a datastream in the fedora objects; defaults to false

Storage: PID assigner

Weisst allen Knoten eines SIPs eine PID ab Fedora zu.

Usage: java [path/to/]SIP
	[path/to/]SIP: name of the SIP. If no path is given, it will be expected to be in the location defined by the property

Storage: PIDListPublisher

The PIDListPublisher saves/sends the file 'PIDs.txt' which results from the FOXMLIngester class to a given URL.

Usage: java [path/to/]SIP receiverURL
	[path/to/]SIP: path of the SIP; if no path is given, it will be expected to be in the location defined by the feeder.workbench.finished property
	receiverURL: An URL in the style of { file: | mailto: }, indicating whether to put/send the list with PIDs.

Storage: RenameSIPasAIPforIaas

The operation RenameSIPasAIPforIaas renames an SIP using the pid of the root element of the mets file as prefix. Needs 'PID' as accessorname in levels.xml.

Usage: java [path/to/]SIP [targetFolder]
	[path/to/]SIP: path of the SIP; if only the name is given, it will be expected to be in the location defined by the feeder.workbench.dropbox property
	[targetFolder]: directory where to put the AIP to; if omitted, the AIP will be copied to standard output directory '4_output'

Storage: UpdateExcelWithPID

This class will write PIDs from an SIP's nodes into excel sheet(s). The excel sheet(s) must have a column with a label of either 'identifier' or 'id' in the first row. PIDs will be written into the column with the header string 'PID' or – if such a column is not available – into the next free column.

Usage: java [path/to/]SIP path/to/folder/with/excel
	[path/to/]SIP: path to the SIP; if relative path is given, try to find it in the workbench's working directory
	path/to/folder/with/excel: path to the excel files to be updated

Storage: WebgateDigitalObjectUpdater

The WebgateDigitalObjectUpdater checks one or several curator databases for units with digital objects and whether they should be (de-)published on a given Fedora instance according to It will use the FEEDER_JAVA system variable to locate configuration files.

Usage: java {*|db1,db2,..} [targetDirectory]
	{*|db1,db2}: Asterisk for all databases of the given database server or comma separated list of database names (wildcards '*' are allowed)
Optional Parameters:
	[targetDirectory]: The directory, where the DIPs are stored. If omitted, the given path in is used


Submission: AgreementsOverviewGenerator

Creates a simple overview of submission agreements located in a given folder. This is done by XSL transformations, for which the class looks for any submission agreement files in the given directory and lists them in a simple xml structure:

  <sa_1 />
  <sa_2 />
  <sa_x />
Usage: java ch.docuteam.feeder.submission.AgreementsOverviewGenerator agreements_directory type output_directory
	agreements_directory: location where the collection of submission agreements can be found
	type: one of { Hierarchy | Flat | CSV }, defining the structure of the resulting overview file
	output_directory: target location for the created overview file, defaults to the directory, where the agreements are located (args[0])

Submission: CheckFolder

Check if sip size and size of each file in folder and file paths within the SIP exceeds the maximal allowed provided value.
Any file or folder exceeding the maximal allowed size will be logged.

Usage: java ch.docuteam.feeder.submission.CheckFolder [/path/to/]folder maxTotalSize maxSingleFileSize maxFilePathLength
	[/path/to/]folder: path of the folder to check; if not path is given, it will be expected to be in the location defined by the feeder.workbench.workdir property
	maxTotalSize: the max allowed size the folder may have
	maxSingleFileSize: the max allowed size any of the files contained by the sip
	maxFilePathLength: the max allowed length of file paths within the folder

Submission: CreateSIPFromExcel

Creates a SIP according to the Matterhorn METS profile, getting structure and descriptive metadata from an Excel sheet.

Preconditions are

  • The first excel sheet in an excel workbook is asumed to be the sheet to be read in
  • This sheet must have a column named path that contains all files and folders to be packed into the sip
  • The paths can be relativ or absolute, it is not allowed to mix relativ and absolute paths, either these are relative or absolute
  • A column with name levelOfDescription is expected. Only levels that exist in levels.xml are allowed
  • Only metadata elements defined in levels.xml for the respective level are allowed, not defined metadata elements are reported as as a warn message in logging
Usage: java ch.docuteam.feeder.submission.CreateSIPFromExcel [path/to/]Excelfile saID dssID [path/to/target/directory]
   [path/to/]Excelfile: name or path without file extension to the excel file; defaults to workbench/0_preparation if path is omitted
   saID: string that is used to reference a submission agreement
   dssID: string that is used to reference a data submission session within the submission agreement
   [path/to/target/directory]: path to the directory, where the SIP should be placed; optional, defaults to 'workbench/1_dropbox'

Submission: CreateSIPsFromFileOrFolder

The CreateSIPsFromFileOrFolder operation will create SIPs from a given file or folder. If the source is a folder, a parameter will define whether a single SIP or separate SIPs for each child should be created.

Usage: java ch.docuteam.feeder.submission.CreateSIPsFromFileOrFolder source recursive saID dssID author zipped [outputDir]
        source: file or folder for which an SIP should be generated
        split: if 'true', a separate SIP will be created for each file/folder within the source (assuming the source is a folder)
        saID: value to use for referencing a submission agreement in the SIP
        dssID: value to use for referencing a data submission session of the respective submission agreement
        author: value to use as the creator for the SIP
        zipped: if 'true', create zipped SIPs
        [outputDir]: optional location where to put the SIPs; if omitted the property '' defined in the will be used

Submission: SubmitSIPsFromFolder

The SubmitSIPsFromFolder will use the given arguments for selecting SIPs in a folder and submitting them to a number of workflows using the feeder REST-interface.

Usage: java ch.docuteam.feeder.submission.SubmitSIPsFromFolder inbox errorbox filter feeder_url workflows user password useAbsolutePaths checkEmptyQueue [maxNumberSIPs]
	inbox: path to the folder containing the SIPs
	errorbox: path to the folder where to put unsuccessful SIPs
	filter: regex filter string for the SIPs within the dropbox; put the regex expression into quotation marks!
	feeder_url: URL pointing to the feeder main page, f.ex. http://localhost/feeder
	workflows: comma separated list of workflows to execute on each SIP
	user: username for feeder
	password: password for feeder
	useAbsolutePaths: true/false, indicating whether to submit SIPs by absolute paths or just their filenames
	checkEmptyQueue: true/false, indicating whether to check if the queue is empty before submitting new SIPs
	[maxNumberSIPs] (optional): maximum number of SIPs to send to feeder; if omitted, all SIPs matching the filter string will be submitted

Submission: WebjaxeAgreementCollector

The WebjaxeAgreementCollector will look for the any submission agreements created within the webjaxe editor and copy them to a given directory.

Usage: java ch.docuteam.feeder.submission.WebjaxeAgreementCollector target_directory [webjaxe_home]
	target_directory: location where to store the submission agreements xml files
	[webjaxe_home]: optional location of the webjaxe installation directory, usually in the webservers htdocs directory. If omitted, the environment variable $WEBJAXE_HOME will be used.


Util: MailSender

This MailSender operation sends an email to the given recipient with optional attachments.

Usage: java ch.docuteam.feeder.util.MailSender receiver subject text [attachment1 [attachment2 [...] ] ]
	receiver: the receiver's e-mail address(es), comma separated if several
	subject: the mail subject
	text: the message text
	attachments: filepaths to attachments; if the first attachment is 'zip', all attachments will be zipped into a single attachment
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