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Matterhorn RDF Datamodel

The Matterhorn RDF Datamodel is developped by the State Archives Canton of Wallis and docuteam. It is based both on the ICA-standards for descriptive metadata (now ISAD/ISAAR/ISDF, in the future Records in Context (RiC)) and the OAIS Information Model. There are currently two different approaches to implement the RiC conceptual model:

  • EGAD‘s nongeneric approach: Developing an RDF standard specific to archives, with gateways to library and museum standards. The development of Records in Context Ontology (RiC-O) is a very slow process due to EGADs lacking ressources. In december 2018 the EGAD opened a "RiC-O Call for reviewers, which is open until April 2019. It is important to give the EGAD the feedback it is looking for!
  • The Matterhorn RDF Data Model‘s generic approach: The RiC conceptual model and the OAIS Information Model are implemented with existing ontologies, nothing new is being created. The basis for our implementation is the PREMIS3-ontology.

The Matterhorn RDF Data Model follows the best practices propagated by the W3C: «It is best practice to use or extend an existing vocabulary before creating a new vocabulary.» Matterhorn RDF is based on ontologies that are popular and have a large user base, that are maintained and have versioning policies. All vocabularies are attached to organizations, institutions or committees that ensure continuity over the long run.

Conceptual Model

The conceptual model describes the main entities of the Matterhorn RDF Datamodel and the relationships between the entities. The naming both of the entities and relationships is for better illustration and has nothing to do with the actual implementation.


The class model of Matterhorn RDF is mainly based on the Premis 3 ontology and the library standard RDA (but not the FRBR data model). The Premis-Classes are enriched with attributes from other ontologies (mainly DC and RDA) to be able to model descriptive metadata.



Intellectual ConceptClass
Event (Subclass of prov:Activity)premis:Event
File Formatdct:FileFormat
Fixity Informationpremis:fixity
Data Object (Subclass of premis:Object)premis:File
Intellectual Entity (Subclass of premis:Object)premis:IntellectualEntity
Representation (Subclass of premis:Object)premis:Representation
Rights Basispremis:RightsBasis


An activity is a generic term for work that a person or an organization performs. An activity can be atomic or non-atomic (compound). The types of activities that are a part of a Process Model are: Process, Sub-Process, and Task.

Class: prov:Activity

bpmn:has_activity_activity_type Literal (Process, Sub-Process, Task) ISDF 1.1 Function Type
dc:titleLiteral ISDF 1.2 Name
dct:alternativeLiteral ISDF 1.3 Parallel Name; ISDF 1.4 Other Name
bpmn:has_BPMN_element_categoryLiteral ISDF 1.5 Classification (classify the function according to a classification scheme)
dc:dateLiteralISDF 2.1 Date (identify the date or range of dates of the function)
dct:issuedLiteralISDF 2.1 Date of issuance / enactment of the activity
dct:validLiteralISDF 2.1 Date (often a range) of validity of an activity
bpmn:has_BPMN_element_documentationLiteral ISDF 2.2 Description
rdau:P60491LiteralISDF 2.3 History; RDA „has history of the resource“
dct:rights Literal ISDF 2.4 Legislation
pcdm:hasRelatedObjectURI of linked bpmn:activity (via its bpmn:has_BPMN_element_id) ISDF 3.1 Related activity
bpmn:has_BPMN_element_id Literal ISDF 4.1 Function Identifier
bpmn:has_activity_performersLiteral or URI of premis:agentISDF 4.2 Responsible Agent
dct:conformsToLiteral ISDF 4.3 Rules & Conventions
dct:hasVersionLiteral ISDF 4.4 Status of description (draft, final)
dct:languageLiteral ISDF 4.7 Language of description
dct:sourceLiteral ISDF 4.8 Sources consulted for description
dct:modifiedLiteralISDF 4.9 Maintenance notes


The „Agent“-class of RDA (rdac:C10002) can be divided into the subclasses Person (rdac:C10004), Corporate Body (rdac:C10005) and Family (rdac:C10008), see: The Matterhorn RDF-model includes only the top class rdac:C10002 and describes it with unconstrained RDAU-properties. It's of course open to the user to divide rdac:C10002 into its subclasses if more granularity is needed.

Class: rdac:C10002

rdau:P60047Literal (person, family, organization, software, algorithm, AI)ISAAR 1.1 Type of entity; RDA „has type of agent“
rdau:P60368LiteralISAAR 1.2 Name; RDA „has name of agent“
rdau:P60119LiteralISAAR 1.3, 1.5; RDA „has variant name for corporate body“
rdau:P60549LiteralISAAR 1.4; RDA „has preferred name for agent“
rdau:P60053Literal (e.g. UUID)ISAAR 1.6; RDA „has identifier for agent“
rdau:P60524LiteralISAAR 2.1; RDA „has date of establishment“
rdau:P60525LiteralISAAR 2.1; RDA „has date of termination“
rdau:P60599LiteralISAAR 2.1; RDA „has date of birth“
rdau:P60598LiteralISAAR 2.1; RDA „has date of death“
rdau:P60484LiteralISAAR 2.2; RDA „has agent history“
rdau:P60325LiteralISAAR 2.3; RDA „has place associated with agent“
rdau:P60370LiteralISAAR 2.4-2.6; RDA „has other designation associated with agent“
dct:conformsToLiteral ISAAR 4.3 Rules & Conventions
dct:hasVersionLiteral ISAAR 4.4 Status of description (draft, final)
dct:languageLiteral ISAAR 4.7 Language of description
dct:sourceLiteral ISAAR 4.8 Sources consulted for description
dct:modifiedLiteralISAAR 4.9 Maintenance notes


Class: premis:Event
The event type is expressed by subclasses of premis:Event, declared at

dc:dateLiteralTimestamp of event
premis:noteLiteralEvent detail
docuteam/matterhornrdf.1545387677.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2019/01/07 11:16 (Externe Bearbeitung)

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